Overhead Stands

Overhead Stands Day Rate
Overhead Stand 4x Riser Mombo Combo (74.5" to 267.6") $20.00

The Mombo Combo Stand achieves an incredible height of 22.3 feet. Because of this height, it features an extra-wide base and incorporates a collar for attaching stabilizing Guy Wires or ropes. The Mombo Combo legs are made of 1-1/4" square steel tubing and are internally reinforced with a Matthews engineered gusset assembly. The Mombo Combo's Rocky Mountain Leg will offset uneven terrain to ensure a firm, stable and sturdy footprint. This is absolutely the strongest stand of its type in the business!

CAUTION: Slight wind can create a tremendous hazard at the heights attainable with this stand. The use of stabilizing cables or guy ropes is recommended.

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Overhead Stand 3x Riser Hi-Hi (76" to 241") $16.00
Overhead Stand 3x Riser Hi-Hi Roller (84" to 249") $16.00
Overhead Stand 3x Riser Medium Roller (64" to 167") $8.00