
Beefy & Baby Rolling Day Rate
Baby Stand 3x Riser Beefy (45.5" to 148") $6.00
Baby Stand 3x Riser Digital Beefy (53" to 155") $6.00
Baby Stand 2x Riser Beefy (41" to 104") $5.50
Baby Stand 3x Riser Rolling (55" to 147") $7.00
Baby Stand 2x Riser Rolling (48" to 116") $6.00
Baby Stand 2x Riser Preemie (28" to 69") $4.00
Baby Stand 2x Riser Mini Baby (22" to 50") $3.50
Baby Kit Stands Day Rate
Baby Stand 2x Riser ARRI Kit (43" to 102") $4.00

Medium ARRI Kit Stand LS.2 (050A) - black aluminium lightweight stand, 2 risers, height 110 - 260 cm

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Baby Stand 2x Riser Beefy Baby Aluminum W/ RM.(49" to 96") $4.00
Baby Stand 3x Riser Med. Duty Maxi (36" to 113") $4.00
Matthlink Stand "TheScorpion" $4.50

Matthews Mathlink Stand. This unique design replaces the old Baby Plate screwed to any apple box configuration. Easy adjustment onto links will position any small light to any height from pancake to full apple. Save your apple boxes for what they were meant for...SITTING! Weighs 2.8 pounds. Accommodates all 5/8" baby receiving pins (standard baby light fixtures.)

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Overhead Stands Day Rate
Overhead Stand 4x Riser Mombo Combo (74.5" to 267.6") $20.00

The Mombo Combo Stand achieves an incredible height of 22.3 feet. Because of this height, it features an extra-wide base and incorporates a collar for attaching stabilizing Guy Wires or ropes. The Mombo Combo legs are made of 1-1/4" square steel tubing and are internally reinforced with a Matthews engineered gusset assembly. The Mombo Combo's Rocky Mountain Leg will offset uneven terrain to ensure a firm, stable and sturdy footprint. This is absolutely the strongest stand of its type in the business!

CAUTION: Slight wind can create a tremendous hazard at the heights attainable with this stand. The use of stabilizing cables or guy ropes is recommended.

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Overhead Stand 3x Riser Hi-Hi (76" to 241") $16.00
Overhead Stand 3x Riser Hi-Hi Roller (84" to 249") $16.00
Overhead Stand 3x Riser Medium Roller (64" to 167") $8.00
Junior Light Stands Day Rate
Roadrunner 220 Crank Stand $110.00
Matthews Crank-O-Vator III Crank Stand (56" to 135") $50.00
Matthews Low Boy Vator III (34.5" to 64.5 ") $45.00
Matthews Minivator II $35.00
Matthews Super Crank-O-vator (56" to 132") $60.00
Matthews Super Crank-O-vator II (56" to 132") $60.00
Matthews Crank-O-Vator (56" to 135") $45.00
Junior Stand 3x Riser Combo RML (54" to 177") $9.00
Junior Stand 2x Riser Combo RML (49" to 136") $6.00
Junior Stand 3x Riser Rolling (56" to 154") $10.00
Junior Stand 2x Riser Rolling (51" to 114") $8.00
Junior Stand 2x Riser LoBoy RML (33" to 76") $6.00
Junior Stand 2x Riser LoBoy Roller (39" to 75") $7.00
Junior Stand 2x Riser Slider Stand (2)RML (24" to 45") $8.00

The Slider Stand comes standard with two rocky mountain legs for easy leveling on hills, mountainsides, rocky environments, stairs and most other uneven terrain. As a comparison, the Slider Stand minimum working height measures one foot (30cm) lower than the standard low boy combo, giving the camera operator a POV range from hip to eye level.

Collapsed Height: 25" (64cm)
Junior (1-1/8") Receiver
Military Black Chrome Plated
Anodized Aerospace Inspired Designed Braces
Double Rocky Mountain Legs
Multiple Slider stands may be required depending on the length and the weight of your slider/camera package. Stand Adapter converts the top of the stand to a 5/8" baby pin.

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Junior Stand 2x Riser Mini Slider Stand (20" to 38") $8.00

Mini Slider Stand features Steel Tubes, Steel Legs, Military Black Chrome; and a Machined, Welded Junior Receiver. Capacity up to 80lbs

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C-Stand Day Rate
60" C-Stand, Spring Loaded, Head & Arm $4.75
40" C-Stand, Spring Loaded, Head & Arm $5.00
40" C-Stand, Turtle Base, Head & Arm $5.00
40" C-Stand, Sliding Leg, Head & Arm $4.75
30" C-Stand, Spring Loaded, Head & Arm $5.00
30" C-Stand, Sliding Leg, Head & Arm $5.00
20" C-Stand, Spring Loaded, Head & Arm $5.00
20" C-Stand, Turtle Base, Head & Arm $5.00
20" C-Stand, Narrow Base "Punky", Head & Arm $5.00
Turtle Stand Base $2.00
Matthews C-Stand Shoulder Kit Bag $15.00
Arms & Heads Day Rate
40" Arm & Gobo Head $2.50
40" Broken Arm $3.50

More versatility, faster setups and finer adjustments are three things desired most on a set. Adding the Broken Arm to any equipment request will do just that. Used like any other Gobo Arm, the Broken Arm incorporates the 2-1/2" Head and can hold all the same items, but it has the unique ability to change its position and rotate 360deg. in two axis. Now a Cookie, Scrim, Flag or small lighting fixture can be repositioned in just nano seconds.

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30" Arm & Gobo Head $2.50
20" Arm & Gobo Head $2.50
2-1/2" Grip Head $2.00
4-1/2" Grip Head $3.25
Stand Extensions Day Rate
24" Baby Stand Extension $4.00
12" Baby Stand Extension $3.00

When a Baby Lighting fixture needs to be just a little higher, the stand extension can be added to the top of the stand, nail-on plate or other hardware.

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Lowel Pole Stand Extension 34" - 6.6' Range $3.00
Wheels Day Rate
(Exterior) Mombo Combo Wheels Set of 3 $40.00
Set of 3 Mombo Combo Wheels (New Style 1.25" x 1.25") $4.00
Set of 3 Junior Combo Adapter Wheels $4.00

Easily move your Matthews Combo Stand around the studio floor with these large diameter, heavy-duty, multiple locating/locking caster sets. A strong spring steel retainer ensures tight fit without having to drill through the legs.

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Runway Base $5.00

This really low rolling stand base was designed to work with the Magic Stand, but it is also capable of handling any large light fixture mounted directly into its Posi-V-Lock Junior Receiver. Matthews casters are locking and non-marking. Made from steel components not plastic and will provide years of durable service.

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